Amplified world generation: Part 1


Hello again!

Today we will see some pics from an amplified world type.

A few weeks ago, I just wanted to explore the normal generation of the world. But, I didn't see the settings that were set to [AMPLIFIED: Requires a beefy computer]. So, my world was creating a world for 5 minutes (that's very long) because I don't have a beefy computer! I just thought that my computer had an exercise for generating a world :) . I spawned in a birch forest and I saw a floating island!

The floating island at the start of the game
There was a desert that I wanted to explore. I just saw that there were small cacti:
Cacti tall 1 block
Then I saw very weird structures that I just had an idea. Maybe I discovered a buggy seed?
Too much floating sand
I was so happy that I discovered this! But it is amplified. REMEMBER, boy!
Btw, I just saw plains and a desert village on the plains.

Desert village in a plains
At the plains, I found a mountain that's ridiculously cool!
JK I have a better pic
The veeeeeeeeery cool mountain
There was a cave, too!
The beautiful normal OG cave
PART 2 >>
