
Showing posts from October, 2020

Amplified world generation: Part 2

REFRESH If you haven't read part 1, then click here . In that world I had a river in a desert and a LOTS of sugar canes arround! A river in a desert There was grass at level 70 and a mountain next to it (mountain on a mountain). Grass in a deep hole, the bottom is at lvl 70 This is too highhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! too high The cave is a home of the flowers. #minecraftrule Flowers in a cave This is floating islands combined with amplified! Floating islands in amplified There was a nether portal! The nether portal A traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail of roooooooooooooocks! a trail of rocks OMG a lot of pics! the last pic in this post PART 3 >>

Amplified world generation: Part 1

REFRESH Hello again! Today we will see some pics from an amplified world type. A few weeks ago, I just wanted to explore the normal generation of the world. But, I didn't see the settings that were set to [AMPLIFIED: Requires a beefy computer] . So, my world was creating a world for 5 minutes (that's very long) because I don't have a beefy computer! I just thought that my computer had an exercise for generating a world :) . I spawned in a birch forest and I saw a floating island! The floating island at the start of the game There was a desert that I wanted to explore. I just saw that there were small cacti: Cacti tall 1 block Then I saw very weird structures that I just had an idea. Maybe I discovered a buggy seed? Too much floating sand I was so happy that I discovered this! But it is amplified. REMEMBER, boy! Btw, I just saw plains and a desert village on the plains. Desert village in a plains At the plains, I found a mountain that's ridiculously cool! JK I have a bet...

Great seed: 5000000 for Java Edition

REFRESH  Hello, Here's Mr. Admin and today we will talk about a seed in Java edition. It is seed 5000000 and it's a great place to start a Survival world. It has bees, a forest, plains, pumpkins, savanna, sand, ice and even a mineshaft! I mean, it a great place to watch. That's it, it's a short post! Mr. Admin

Odd world generation: Part 3

REFRESH Hello, I don't need to introduce myself (😂🤣😂) and this is part 3. Read  part 2  if you haven't. Today we will talk about this pic: The sculpture This pic has a sculpture that I think is great... When you get to the top, it will look like this: JK, I don't have a pic of it 😂🤣😂 OMG! THAT'S IT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo oooooo......... Bye! PART 4 >>

Odd world generation: Part 2

REFRESH  Hello, I'm Mr. Admin, and I don't need to tell who I am anymore. This is part 2, click here if you haven't read part 1. This time we will talk about biomes. This pic has a odd swamp that is big 1 block . 1-block big swamp Minecraft, this is so weird! You need to be repaired! Well, you can see THIS: Biome: minecraft:swamp You can see on the pic that there's water all arround! That's it! PART 3 >>

Odd world generation: Part 1

REFRESH  Hello, I'm Mr. Admin and today we will talk about Minecraft's odd terrain generation. Obviously, Minecraft has odd textures and weird terrains, and it is supposed to be like that. But, there are bugs in those "bugs". Funny :) In this picture, we will see a mineshaft. There's something weird in this picture. Mineshaft in seed "5000000" There is a WIERD rail sitting in the AIR. I don't remember the coordinates of the mineshaft, but... IT'S RUDICILOUS! Yeah it is 🙂 So, sooooo, sooooooooooooooooooooo, that's it! PART 2 >>

My town

REFRESH Hello! I am Mr. Admin and this is my second post on this blog! Today we will look at this image: My town  I mean, I'm honest this world now is survival world. Believe me. Also believe me that it wasn't survival mode. It was adventure mode. JK, it was creative. OK? The world started with the beginning of the town. By the time, it had a street and it got two buildings (they suck). Then, we just made a park (we needed 1.16 for that) and my house. I mean, it's beautiful, right? My house Then we had a village pit. There are some villagers that help us with materials. I forgot about the fletcher, that gives 1 emerald for 32 sticks. BUT, I forgot to put him in this world. He doesn't exist. R. I. P.    FLETCHER WE'LL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU. We will see if we forget him. Btw, we have a farm, that I think is great. My farm It has a LOT of carrots, a LOT of wheat and a LOT of potatoes. I mean, the farm on this picture looks small, but it's ENORMOUS. I just wanted a...


REFRESH Hello, this is my blog for satisfying pics! So, here we attach pictures of things ..! Archive:  2020  | 2021 Hope you like this blog, Mr. Admin